In a crisis, every second is vital. Each moment matters for the safety of those firefighters, and paramedics are racing to save. There is little room for error when it comes to fires, vehicle accidents, and other emergencies. Departments must use every available tool to ensure they can respond as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Firefighters and paramedics are some of the most important people on the planet. Their entire career is dedicated to putting themselves in the line of fire to selflessly save the lives and property of strangers. We owe a lot to those who choose this life of firefighting and EMS.
If you are a firefighter or paramedic, you know how important it is to use every tool available to save lives and protect your own. Technology has come a long way in the last few years and continues to improve. Whether you are in a large city or volunteer for a rural department, you deserve to have the best tech available. However, it does not take long for mobile data terminal solutions to become a hindrance or obsolete. In this article, we are providing X signs it’s time for your department to upgrade to a new mobile data terminal solution.
If you are a police officer, firefighter, or EMT, no one wants to call you. It sounds depressing, but you are the phone number everyone knows but wishes they could forget. At the same time, everyone is grateful you are there in case they do need you. You do something special and unique that few would want to take on. Society is better because you are there to respond if needed.
For emergency responders, one of the goals has always been trying to reduce response time. You map out the route, practice responding, debrief and evaluate, and try everything you can to be faster for the next emergency. There have been many attempts to improve response time through software, but there are several myths regarding emergency response software that make some fire officers doubt its effectiveness. We want to help clear up some of these myths for public safety departments, so you can make your decision based on the truth.
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. You don’t have to be a firefighter to be familiar with that popular colloquialism. In fact, the saying does not even necessarily pertain to fire itself; rather, the idea that if there is an effect, there must indeed be a cause or source of that effect. You do not get the proverbial smoke unless something is burning. However, you do not necessarily have to have a visual on the flames to know with confidence what is happening.