header cadlinkStreetWise Tablet MDT

Responder Fire SoftwareStreetWise Responder for Smart Phones

header-smartboard.pngStreetwise Station Smartboard

header-dispatch.pngStreetWise Digital Dispatch LED Board

header-caduceus.pngCADuceus” Lightweight CAD System

Our Power Is in the Features

Notification & Mapping

Calls received from a client’s CAD to StreetWise interface are automatically sent to the assigned devices. The incident information is shown in a full-screen, easy to read display, complete with a call index. If the CAD system sends updated information, the display is automatically updated as well, with a pop-up notification to the user.

Navigation & Routing

Calls are instantly mapped and displayed at the push of a button. For the ultimate in situational awareness, the incident can be displayed in street map view, as an aerial photo image, terrain view, or even in Google’s 360 degree interactive StreetView. All map views use a simple and intuitive pinch-zoom and finger swipe user interface. Navigation to an active alert is automated at the touch of a button for either a simple route overlay, or even turn-by-turn directions.

"Live" Unit Locations

See other apparatus displayed on the tactical map in real time for improved coordination. Labels display your own selected vehicle names with a choice of icons for various apparatus types. Icons realistically rotate in the direction of travel. Tap any apparatus icon to see staffing, pump and tank capacity, EMS level, speed, and course. Engaged device filtering means you can tell which units are responding on your call, multiple incidents can be handled without confusion.

Hydrant Data Display

Hydrants and water points can be displayed on the street map, terrain view, or aerial image view. Hydrant icons are interactive and can display information such as flow capacity, main size, location notes and more. A choice of icons can match hydrant capacity to NFPA colors. And, you can instantly change a single hydrant to an “out of service” icon on all devices simultaneously. Hydrants can be easily imported and exported.

Shared Waypoints

More than just a mapping program, StreetWise gives you revolutionary new ways to help manage an incident. Fully interactive, tactical waypoints can be instantly dropped on the map with a simple tap of your finger, automatically appearing on the maps of all other devices engaged on your call within seconds. Non-incident information waypoints, identifying things such as road construction, disabled sprinklers, or even gated community entry codes, can be easily placed on the map for all devices to view anytime.

Total Preplan Management

Occupancy preplans automatically sort and list by proximity to the call you’re responding to and can also be displayed as map icons. Select any preplan to view a comprehensive, easy to navigate, tabbed display of occupancy information. Preplan surveys are easily performed in the field right on the device, complete with embedded photos, then synced to the StreeWise cloud servers when complete and available to every device for the very next call. Preplans can be selectively cached to device memory for off-line use when broadband isn’t available.

Instant Photo Sharing

Need to let other responders see what you are seeing? Using the table’s built-in camera, simply point, click, and share instantly without leaving the StreetWise application. Units in one area of a call can send up-to-date imagery to units in another area of a call. Remote companies performing search or damage assessment functions can send photos to the incident commander or EOC.

Live NFIRS Integration

StreetWise CADlink® integrates live with your Emergency Reporting® records management software, making life easier for your crews and dramatically improving the accuracy of your response time analysis. 

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Status Timestamp Log

Change and record your unit’s status, such as En Route, Arrived, Available, etc., at the push of a button. Unit status timestamps are instantly recorded in the server for later retrieval to enhance documentation of truly accurate response times. Benchmarking status buttons can also record important incident timestamps like First Water Applied, Patient Contact Made, PAR Check Conducted and more. An optional bi-directional programming interface on our server makes Status Button activations instantly available for use by your CAD vendor.

Custom Map Layers

Custom Map Layers adds a geo-referenced layer to the StreetWise Tactical Map display created from our clients’ own Geographic Information Software (GIS) data. Examples of Custom Map Layers include: 

  • District or response zone boundaries
  • Sewer, gas, or water lines
  • Address points from locally-validated data
  • Building footprints from locally-validated data
  • Topographical lines from locally-validated data
  • Streets, centerlines, or rights-of-way (from local data and visible only: cannot be used for navigation)



Optional Services Available

The following optional services are available and are custom quoted. Since several local factors are taken into consideration when pricing these options, please contact us to discuss your needs, your situation, and your individual pricing.

Records Management System Integration

The Power of StreetWise meets the power of your Records Management System (RMS). Yep, it's FREE!

Now, StreetWise CADlink® integrates live with your records management system, making life easier for your crews and dramatically improving the accuracy of your apparatus response time analysis. StreetWise automatically creates a new incident report in your RMS before your crews have even returned to the fire station. Your incident location, nature, date, and dispatch time auto-fill into your NFRIS report, ready for completion. Whenever a user taps a status button in their StreetWise CADlink® response software in their responding apparatus, the precise time is transferred directly into the appropriate unit status time in your RMS NFIRS incident report unit section. Your units will be able to reliably record their status times without relying on busy dispatchers or crowded radio channels. Key incident benchmarks and any incident management tactical waypoints placed on the map by an incident commander are also recorded for more precise incident reporting. And the best thing is that StreetWise doesn't charge for this integration.

Local GIS Map Data Layers

StreetWise can be configured to display up to three layers of locally-produced GIS data as overlays to our Google base maps. Examples include station response zones, building footprints, custom addressing labels, water mains, stormwater systems, and locally-produced street centerlines or rights-of-way. These map layers can be individually configured for zoom-declutter level and default viewing. Your department, or your designated GIS agency, will need to provide the data layers as PNG map tiles meeting our specifications, or we can produce the map tiles for you on a fee-per-conversion basis from compatible data (ArcGIS, ArcServer, etc.). Since map tiles require significant storage space on our dedicated map server, there will be a recurring fee for use of local GIS map tiles.

Bi-Directional Server-to-Server CAD Interface

For those clients that want to use our live server-to-server CAD data interface to exchange live vehicle locations (AVL) and/or status button changes between StreetWise® and their CAD system, a growing list of CAD systems now support this service. Bi-directional interface clients will be charged a one-time interface setup fee, an annual interface maintenance fee, and a slightly higher subscription fee for those devices exchanging data with CAD. Where multiple agencies are using the same bi-directional CAD interface, the setup and maintenance charges can be shared among them. StreetWise CADlink has standard Application Programming Interfaces (API) for these services. However, any custom development work that is required to interface with a specific CAD vendor will require additional development fees, which will be quoted on a case-by-case basis.

This type of live CAD feed is not necessary for basic operation of StreetWise or for simple data interface directly to Emergency Reporting but is required for clients wishing to take advantage of advanced features such as "closest unit dispatch" or "voiceless unit status" features in their CAD system.

Custom Interface for Legacy CAD Systems

For clients having older legacy CAD systems that have no means of exporting any call data in an automated format, such as SMPT (email), SNPP (SMS), HTTP Post API, or FTP, or for clients whose CAD system cannot send any call updates after the initial dispatch, a custom database polling service application may be a possibility. This service would be installed on the CAD server or a workstation with access to a view of the active call database. This polling service will automatically send the incident data to StreetWise, including call updates. For the majority of our clients that use direct email, HTTP Post API, FTP, or remote file drop, this fee does not apply.

Custom GIS Work

We can perform custom preparation of GIS files for integration into StreetWise CADlink®. For instance, if a client does not have any hydrant map data in GIS format, our GIS staff can prepare a GIS map layer from GPS coordinates gathered by the client staff. There is almost no limit to the type of custom GIS work we can do for a client.

Custom Map Layers add geo-referenced layers (up to 4) to the map created from the client’s own GIS (Geographic Information Software) data. New layers appear as selectable toggles in the Map Settings > Layer Visibility menu. If the layer has transparency, it overlays the Google Maps base layer. If it has no transparency, it overrides the Google Maps base layer.

Optional On-Site Installation and Training

Local tablet software installation, setup, and training can be conducted by our trained staff. Call for information on pricing and availability.