dispatchheader-caduceus.pngCADuceus is the answer to small departments or private providers who can’t yet afford a full traditional computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system. But don’t be fooled. This new web-based two-screen solution integrates fully with all StreetWise® products to bring enterprise-level features to smaller communities and regions at a fraction of the price.

Your dispatchers can easily enter calls by address or map click, see which resources are available for deployment, select and update any active call, and see the current location and status of every unit on a live AVL screen. With full product integration, CADuceus can exchange data with StreetWise CADlink, Responder and Station SmartBoards for a complete, one-stop data solution.

Features Include:

  • Call-taker’s entry screen with clickable map interface
  • Automatic geolocation and geocoding, powered by Google
  • Unit assignment feature automatically offers units in available status
  • Access any active call or re-open closed calls
  • Customizable incident types and unit lists
  • Full-screen live vehicle location map and status list (for full ISO AVL point credit)
  • Status can be updated by field devices or by dispatchers

CADuceus Fire CAD Screenshot

CADuceus Fire CAD Screenshot