Product Updates
StreetWise CADlink® has announces a new strategic partnership with Emergency Reporting® records management software. StreetWise now integrates live with Emergency Reporting®, making life easier for fire crews and dramatically improving the accuracy of response time analysis.
That's right! Final beta testing has been completed on StreetWise CADlink for the iOS operating system, so users of the iPad and iPad Mini will now be able to enjoy the world's only third-party MDC response software for fire departments.
StreetWise CADlink now supports bi-directional communication of data between an agency’s computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system and the StreetWise Central Server, allowing an agency to use StreetWise CADlink as its primary mobile data computer (MDC).
StreetWise CADlink is proud to announce its new strategic partnership with Pierce Manufacturing, the leading North American manufacturer of custom fire apparatus. StreetWise has been selected as the navigation and response software available directly on the new Pierce® Command Zone™ advanced electronics system.