StreetWise Now Supports Bi-Directional CAD Data Exchange

StreetWise Now Supports Bi-Directional CAD Data Exchange

Tuesday, 03 November 2015 15:13

StreetWise CADlink now supports bi-directional communication of data between an agency’s computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system and the StreetWise Central Server, allowing an agency to use StreetWise CADlink as its primary mobile data computer (MDC).


StreetWise now has a Return Data API (application programming interface) available to allow CAD vendors to receive unit data for an agency’s mobile devices, including any  GPS coordinates and  status timestamps. Through this Return Data API, the CAD vendor can use StreetWise data to update the location information for the agency’s mobile devices within the CAD software and update status timestamps (enroute, arrival, cleared) that indicate the unit’s current status or availability within the CAD resource tables. This Return Data API is fast, simple and easy to use, and will allow a CAD vendor to make full use of the StreetWise data in the same manner as data from any conventional mobile data workstation.

StreetWise cannot force data back into a CAD system, as any such software system is highly proprietary. The Return Data API is made available for CAD vendors to implement within their software and most CAD vendors will charge an agency to set this up. Contact your CAD vendor to discuss any desired implementation of the Return Data API and whether or not their system is capable of using the API and the data. Our staff is available to discuss the Return Data API directly with your CAD vendor by contacting us at 800-718-8027.