We highly recommend that our clients ensure all of their devices update to this new version, or perform the update yourself through Google Play or the Apple iTunes App Store to make sure you have access to all the latest features.
Note that some of the new features require configuration through the Client Administrative Web Portal. Here is a list of all the new features:
Optional Staffing Level Prompt When Going Enroute
If you’re a volunteer or paid-on-call department, you can now choose an option to require users the identify the staffing number on their truck every time they go enroute to a call. Staffing level is displayed to all other users on the Tactical Map or in the Responder Panel.
User-Selectable Notification Alert Sounds
You can now choose from a variety of alert sounds directly on the device.
Multi-Point Distance Measuring Tool
Know exactly how far it is to that fire hydrant! You now have access to a distance measuring tool on the Tactical Map that can measure a multi-point route.
Circle Radius Measuring Tool
Know exactly what area needs to be evacuated. You now have access to a radius circle drawing tool with precise measurement.
Web-to-Device Messaging
Client Administrators can now send administrative messages to any or all devices in their fleet from the Client Web Portal.
Server-Configurable Point De-Clutter Feature
Client Administrators can now adjust the tactical map zoom level at which each category of points appear and disappear from their map views
Server-Configurable Auto-Dismiss for Alert Update Notification Text Box
Want that alert update notification box to go away all by itself? You can now set the timeout at which the box auto-dismisses.
Video tutorials for all of these great new features can be found on StreetWise University.