Fire Department Preplan Software for iPad
We plan for everything, don't we? From the time we are little kids, the structure of our lives is planned out. We go to school from ages six to eighteen. Many then go on to college or vocational training. Afterward, we take that education and begin pursuing careers. We plan weddings, graduations, birthdays, and even memorial services. We plan financially for purchasing homes, keeping our businesses afloat, and our eventual retirement. Few families, however, plan to experience a life-changing fire. While there may be some kind of general instructions for children on how to exit the home safely and reach out to neighbors for help, no one really expects a fire emergency to happen. Well, no one is far too broad. There are some people who have to plan as if every structure in their community might burst into flames at some point: the local fire department. It is your job to assume structures will catch fire and develop the plan for what happens when they do.
Fire preplanning may feel like a formality or “busy work” at times. To the untrained business or homeowner, inspections and preplan surveys may be an annoyance. That is, at least, until you use that plan to provide the vital information your team needs to respond to the call that their structure is on fire. Preplanning is vital for raising situational awareness on each call. Your department will benefit from preplanning software designed for an iPad that can make your in-person visit more efficient while storing key data accessible to all department devices the moment you all need it.
StreetWise Fire Department Preplan Software for iPad
Modeled after the NFPA 1620 standard, our preplan software is meant to enhance your in-person preplanning survey. The same tablet computer you use during a response becomes a full-featured preplan management system, including data collection, storage, distribution, and display. The preplan wizard walks you through the details determined to be most important by the NFPA 1620, so you can gather life-saving data, store photos instantly, and make a solid plan for what happens if the structure does indeed experience an emergency. Once your survey is complete, it is instantly stored on our cloud and synced across all your department's StreetWise devices. For offline access, preplan data can be cached to the tablet if network access will be unavailable.
How will this help your department? It will put the right information at the fingertips of dispatchers, incident commanders, and emergency responders. It will raise your department's situational awareness on every call. Our preplan software for iPad can ultimately save the lives of firefighters, paramedics, and victims of emergencies in your community. Contact StreetWise for more information about fire preplanning software designed for iPads.